Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Assignment 5

1. In your own words describe how the workplace culture at Google encourages innovation and unique creations for the company? How does working at Google and the environment there affect its workers?
It encourages innovation because they offer many services that make employees happy at work so that way they work well and are looking forward to do excellent things and to keep their work at Google. Google makes their life's more easy making work and enjoyable experience. The things they have at Google helps them be more creative and less tired because of the way Google decorates their place.

2. How does employee freedom, like the 20% of free time Google encourages its employees to spend on any project they want, deliver better business?
It encourages them because they get time to relax, get free food and accomplish other needs that no other job offers, and that gives them time to get stress off their minds for a while and be active workers when its time to get back to the office. At the time of creating projects, Google lets them spend their time but then later they have already accumulated ideas to succeed in their jobs. When they get their time of it helps their mind get it's energy back. Therefore the mind works better and they get better ideas.

3. What are the requirements to work for Google? And what is different about the way they hire employees at Google?
Google looks for smart people who can get things done. Not only do they hire people who are smart but people who are creative because that is what Google is about. They need leadership and role-related knowledge. The company is less concerned about grades and transcripts and more interested on how they think.

4. How many search queries does Google handle a day?
In 2012 the average searches per day was about 5,134,000,000.

5. In your own words discuss how Google's constantly refined search algorithm changed the way we all access and even think about information.
It makes it much easier because they immediately give you some options about what your typing. Also, helps it to become more curious about other things related or even random things. sometime you look up something and you look at the options and their is one that interest you so it makes you want to learn more about different subjects. It also saves up time because you don't have to type everything.

6. Take a look at the following story about Google's top secret data center. Now why would Google want to keep its server room as a secret?
Because it has countless information that needs to be secure from anything. Only critical employees are needed because they can hack the system and there would be many problems throughout the web, for that reason is very private. If someone could enter the server room they might steal their ideas. they keep it a secret so that no one get ideas and to make sure that Google won't shut down.

7. What are the benefits of working as a Google employee?
There are many services and is a friendly environment. Its all amazing, from getting free food, to free doctors visit and much more. You have free time that you could spend it in the library or in other places and the offices are different making working for Google a joyful experience.

8. Name at least 5 different positions at Google (ex: software engineer, Google tester, interaction designer) and describe what they do?

-Software engineer: a person who designs and writes and tests computer programs.
-Product manager: investigates, selects, and develops products for an organization, performing the activities of product management.
-Business analyst: analyzes the organization and design of businesses, government departments, and non-profit organizations, they also assess business models and their integration with technology.
-Interaction designer: they study devices with which a user can interact, in particular computer users.
-Test at Google: Tests anything related to Google, from products to webpages.

9. Talk about at least 3 projects that Google is currently working on. What do they want to accomplish? How long will they take to complete?

-Driverless car program- To drive safer but still no word on when will this be available.
-Google Glass- Lets you read your tweets, and a lot of other things without having to pull out your phone. It is expected to release a consumer version of Glass next year.
-Android@Home- Aims to connect your entire house to the internet like something out of a sci-fi movie. No date or known time to get this done.
Other projects:
-Elevator to space
-Android-powered smart watch

10. Look at the following story about why recent college graduates should not work for Google. Why does the writer argue recent graduates should not work at Google?

He thinks is no longer a start-up because he thinks is better for working in a small company. If they worked for a small company they have more responsibilities than just following a crowd of people. Is better to do and accomplish someone's little idea or project and make it happen.

11. How is Google the same or different than other search engines, like Yahoo or Bing?

There are many similarities between search engines like Google and Bing however it is somewhat different. Google is different because they are the leader in the Search space and in addition a very mature and sophisticated search engine. Bing is infancy and has yet to develop some of the rich indexing capabilities that exist with Google. Bing does not support the Canonical tag and does not offer Canonical URL management in their Webmaster Center.

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